Sun Beetle - Pachnoda Marginata
Pachnoda Marginata are the African Sun Beetle. They originate from central and west Africa.

Sometimes used as a feeder in their larvae form, these beetles also make great pets.
One major aspect of keeping these beetles is a light, they are from Africa and prefer higher temperatures. Under the bulb you should reach around 30c
The rest of the enclosure should be around 25c.
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We recommend the use of a light with keeping these, it will help with keeping the temperature up but sun beetles also enjoy the light and will sit out under it basking.
Under your bulb should be reaching 30c-35c and the rest of the enclosure around 25c-28c.
With these we want to make sure we keep in the moisture as we don't want them to dry out. We keep ours in an Exo terra Nano wide ( 20cm x20cm x 20cm). To keep the moisture in we use a bit of clingfilm over the mesh at the top, This keeps our moisture in perfectly.
With all of our enclosures we opt for coco coir, Coir is the fibrous material found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut.
We choose this as it doesn't contain much mineral or pollutant allowing more control over what we put in the enclosure and gives a great humidity when first hydrated.
You can include Clay balls for a drainage layer and activated charcoal to purify the moisture as it soaks through.
Ensure you have around 10cm of substrate if you want them to breed well, the lavae will burrow and spend its whole life under the substrate and the adults will dig to lay their eggs. We have found that its good practice to clean them out regularly and move the grubs and cocoons to a separate tub ( 1 for grubs and 1 for cocoons) as the grubs will eat anything. This includes any foods you add, adult beetles (dead or alive) and cocoons.
Humidity with Sun Beetles is highly important, If we don't keep the moisture up then we risk the chance of them dehydrating and dying. Reducing the top ventilation is a great way to keep the moisture in but you can also use products like sphagnum moss to help hold it.
Pachnoda Marginata love fruit, they will eat it ripe and rotten. Things to watch out for is mould, If left too long fruit can mould easily, we also feed butternut squash, carrots and bee pollen.